
March 26


There’s Something On Your Face

Ever have dinner with someone, and they end up with food on their face?

Or worse yet, something from inside their nose ends up on their face?

But it feels too awkward to say anything, so we just sit there and let it be awkward for us?

(Do you feel an analogy coming?)

There are three approaches you can take.

1. You could ignore it. And then, suffer through the rest of your dinner or conversation trying not to look at it.

2. You could say, "Hey, you've got !@#$ on your face," and hope for the best.

3. You could discreetly gesture towards the afflicted area and quietly say, "You've got something right there."

Which would you rather have done to you?

This happens when it comes to giving people feedback. Especially those we work with.

We get so worried they'll get offended, we decide to let ourselves suffer instead. Or, we say something the wrong way and they end up getting offended.

This is one of the reasons piano lessons are so valuable. It's one of the few experiences students have where they practice receiving and implementing feedback on the regular.

Knowing that it's meant for their benefit.

Try it next time you see one of those awkward situations. Regardless of the outcome, you can count on it being interesting.

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For parents, students, and anyone else who believes that music can and should be a meaningful part of everyone's life.

About Jonathan Roberts

I am the founder and director of the South Shore Piano School, and I have been teaching the piano for nearly 20 years. My work centers around bringing music to the lives of kids, parents, and adults in an enriching, meaningful way. At the South Shore Piano School, my incredible colleagues and I accomplish this through skill-based teaching, community, and an innovative, people-first business model. You can read more about me here.


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