
May 17


Permission to Restart

Even the best of us fall off the wagon from time to time.

For some people it's keeping a steady practice schedule.

For some people it's sticking with a writing schedule.

For others it might be sticking to a workout program...or even getting any kind of movement at all during the day.

In my case, it was sticking with my daily blogging practice. Over 700 posts was a good streak. But, things happen, and sometimes we fall off the wagon.

When this happens, it's so easy to never start back up again.

To mourn the loss of the streak, and feel like it's too shameful to attempt a new streak.

Or, to be stuck in the routine and habit of not doing...so much that it feels uncomfortable to start doing again.

Or, to just be embarrassed that we fell off the wagon to begin with. So much that we'd rather disappear than tell everyone we're starting up again.

That's why we need to give ourselves permission to restart.

Because in the end, picking yourself up again turns your failure into a learning experience. A way to inspire others.

And trust me, there are people waiting to be inspired by your work. So what are you waiting for?

Thanks for reading, and see you tomorrow.

  • We missed u & totally understand that sometimes life gets in the way but thanks for giving urself the permission to start again!! Welcome back!! U rock!!!

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    Never miss a blog post!

    For parents, students, and anyone else who believes that music can and should be a meaningful part of everyone's life.

    About Jonathan Roberts

    I am the founder and director of the South Shore Piano School, and I have been teaching the piano for nearly 20 years. My work centers around bringing music to the lives of kids, parents, and adults in an enriching, meaningful way. At the South Shore Piano School, my incredible colleagues and I accomplish this through skill-based teaching, community, and an innovative, people-first business model. You can read more about me here.


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  • We missed u & totally understand that sometimes life gets in the way but thanks for giving urself the permission to start again!! Welcome back!! U rock!!!

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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